Why You Need More Than One Lead Magnet
When it comes to lead magnet you will both want and need more than one. Each one should relate to a product that you have or will create.
To help you create more than one lead magnet follow these steps:
Create Multiple Client Personas
When you create your ideal client persona you may want to create more than one. The reason is that there may be different audience members who will respond better to more direct marketing.
Creating two different lead magnets based on these two audience personas will be beneficial because you’ll be able to encourage more people to come into your program.
Create One Lead Magnet Per Problem
When you’ve built a community and start getting questions (or you observe questions from your audience in other people’s groups) each question is an opportunity to create a lead magnet.
Remember that a lead magnet should be short and to the point. It should solve one problem at a time and be super easy to implement and consumable in just a few minutes.
If you keep a list of questions and then make a lead magnet from the answer, whether it’s a “How to eReport” or a short video or even a full-on webinar addressing that question you’re on the right track to getting more sign-ups, more customers, and making more sales especially if you remember the monetizing component of each lead magnet that you create.
Keep Your Lead Magnets Updated and Current
In addition to creating more than one lead magnet directed to different segments of your audience who need the same solutions you should keep your lead magnets up to date.
That might be as simple as editing them to add new resources that are more current, or it might consist of entirely recreating them due to new technologies exiting now. You might even want to update them to give them a different look and more branding. Either way, it’ll look newer and get more interest when you keep everything updated and feeling fresh.
Just remember that one lead magnet will not grab everyone’s attention. Different lead magnets designed to promote the same products can be designed and created for each subset of your audience which can exponentially expand your traffic, signups, and bottom line because you’re always speaking directly to your audience.