I really dislike the term “self-care”. It implies when I am done with all the other hundred things on my to-do list, I also need to take a rest. And I need to do it all myself. But when you are a solopreneur, working at home, you need to put some brain breaks into you day.

Try some of these ideas.
1. Create firm boundaries
When it is family time, be fully present. We all like to use the term “multi-tasking” but the truth is that when we do more than one thing at a time, one of those things get shortchanged.
Don’t neglect friends because you are working at home. Schedule time for movies and lunches out. Put appointments in your calendar for those times with friends and family.
2. Don’t be afraid to sit out.
There are so many opportunities that we always think if we miss this opportunity, we have lost it forever. But life is a little more fluid than that. There’s always another opportunity. Be content to do what you can, especially when you are just starting out. Do what you do with joy.
3. Get some fresh air.
There is nothing like taking a walk or sitting in the garden that will help your attitude. Especially if you are getting frustrated and can’t figure something out. Take a break, get some fresh air and your unconscious mind will solve the problem for you.
I find stressing about anything will make solving problems more difficult. A change of scenery sometimes solves the problem.
4. Try a gratitude jar.
Place a mason jar on your desk (or in an inconspicuous place if you prefer). Each day add something you are grateful for, a positive message or affirmation to the jar. When you are having a bad moment (or day) pull something from the jar and meditate on it.
5. Have a self-care support system.
There are a lot of people working from home now and many ways of connecting with them. Try joining a mastermind or group with zoom meetings to connect with others. Most of us have similar struggles and it helps to hear other perspectives.
Try joining some Facebook groups that are active. Connect with others in any way you can. Social isolation is not healthy.
7. Minimize screen time when you are not at work.
Turn off the computer, hide the phone and try an activity that does not require the internet. Try reading a book for 30 minutes a day. Or do some puzzles, I love sudoku and can happily spend an hour working on puzzles. I don’t even consider this self-care but just a nice break from work.
However, if you are not sleeping well, you need to make sure you put away devices long before bed time. That blue light screen will interfere with your sleep patterns and add to the stress.
8. Indulge in a hobby for self-care
If you have a hobby that you haven’t enjoyed in a while, get it out. Try crocheting or knitting, play a musical instrument, or draw. If you have other talents, use them now. It helps to take a mental break.
9. Go for a drive.
If you are a coffee drinker, stop at a shop and have a cup outdoors (weather permitting) and people watch. I tend to avoid indoor shopping since I hate crowds, but taking a drive is a nice break. Drive through for a hot chocolate (you can get a peppermint hot chocolate at McDonalds).
10. Exercise.
Yes, I said it. My friends will laugh at this because I cringe at the idea when someone else says it. But dancing when no one is watching is fun.
Think of this as self-care medicine, not exercise. Get one of those rocker boards to increase balance, try some hand weights or stretching bands. Put on a Zumba or salsa dance video.
11. Get a massage.
I have a reflexology massage once a month and it takes the stress right out of me. If you like pedicures, get a foot massage as well.
12. Create a bucket list of things.
Add the places you would like to visit and experiences you would like to have. And once you have it, create a template from it to sell to others.
13. Sticky note messages.
Get a pack of sticky notes and write positive messages and place them all over. Put them under desks, on back of seats, near the floor or up high near the ceiling.
And if you create really good looking sticky note printables for self-care, you can sell those as well, lol.
14. Create a playlist.
Make a playlist of your favorite songs and sing along as your drive. Sing loud. I’ve always thought that if you sing really loud, you are more likely to be on key. And pay no attention to those on the road around you. If you want, roll down the window and really sing out.
15. Take a mental health day.
Sleep in, have breakfast in bed, read a magazine, watch Maury Povich (that will cheer you up), take a nap and have a meal delivered.
If you notice that you are having a difficult time for extended periods, you may need to talk to someone about additional self-care steps. Long term anxiety and depression are harmful to your physical health as well.
For more information on taking care of yourself and protecting your physical and mental health, visit HERE.
Try something new and change up your routine. Create a balance between your work life and home life to become less stressed. And if you are stressed about getting some work done, check out this prior blog post on 3 Favorite Tools for Automating Social Media