This is the season for being grateful. However, being grateful and creating printables for gratitude is an evergreen topic. It is easy to creat printables with this theme to capture the interest of customers and sell them all year long.
What type of products can you create to sell? Here are some ideas to get you started, but don’t be limited and be willing to think outside the box.

You can create journals or planners with space to write a reflection about the time and what you considered a blessing. It does not have to be lengthly, space for a sentence or two will work, or you may want a whole page.
If planners seem overwhelming, start with templates and build from there. You can develop templates in canva and either sell the templates or download them into a PDF or PowerPoint (if you want to sell editable templates).
Using Templates
Decide what type of journal you want to create. Is it a daily jounral? Then include a daily reflection page with or without prompts. Or you can include pages for monthly. Customers can then assemble a monthly or even yearly journal using just those few templates.
I like to create templates first. As many different variations as you can think and then save in Canva. Once you have a set, you can download that set into PowerPoint to use in different journals or planners. Yes, you can edit in Canva as well, but there are some features in PowerPoint that I like better. If this is for resell, then you need to consider how your customer will edit it and adjust.
Journal Prompts:
You can download lists of journal prompts from a variety of sources. These prompts can be combined into a 30 day journal, 90 day journal or even a journal for the whole year. What about making a journal with 52 weeks and having a prompt each week?
You can get prompts from a variety of places. I get many promps on different subjects from Piggy Makes Bank or EKIThub.
Gratitude Tracker:
This printable allows you to track the good things that happen each week. It includes a space for date, as well as seven spaces for writing down what you’re grateful for.
These one page printables are popular on ETSY. You can even sell the editable pages either as a fillable PDF or sell as a Canva template to be edited there. And the categories can be changed to make this a gratitude tracker seasonal.
For example: For Valentines day, include categories for family, relationships, romantic outings, memories, etc. And a mom’s gratitude tracker could include categories for kids, household help, extended family, partners, etc.

Monthly or Daily Gratitude Reflection:
This printable allows you to track the good things that happen each month.You could include a space for date, and sell in packs of 12 with different backgrounds so there is one for each month.

You can also sell these as one page products in your shop or as templates so they can be added to other planners or journals.
Gratitude Quotes:
You can create either word art with quotes about gratitude or wall art. Word art is typically with a transparent background and is great for use on notebook covers. Wall art is a little more artistic with a colored background offered in different sizes to be printed professionally. But the wall art could start with word art and then just add a colored or textured background.

You can get ideas for quotes, slogans or sayings and then use a creative font. I like to use transparent backgrounds so they can be used in a variety of ways, but a colored background adds to the artistic touch. Use Color!

This would make a great image for a cover of a gratitude planner/journal or for wall art. For more information of making Wall Art, check out this BLOG POST.
Gratitude Stickers:
Create stickers in any design program with quotes, prompts or questions. I love canva to create stickers because you can not only add a border, but use a white outline that is so popular with stickers.
” Create stickers in any design program with quotes, prompts or questions.”
TweetYou can also make stickers in PowerPoint or use any other design tool you may have. For individual stickers in Powerpoint, make you size smaller, create a basic design and then duplicate the design for multiple stickers. This will allow you to create lots of stickers with different backgrounds, colors quickly.
Save slides as PNG or JPG images and you will have a file of your stickers. Make sure you are saving all images in Powerpoint as 300 or 330 dpi since the default setting is “high fidelity” and the quality may not be high enough.
Social Media Quotes:
You can create social media posts–Instagram posts that have gratitude quotes or reflection questions for customers to post on social media. And you can use them yourself for posting.
Using posts for either Instagram or Pinterest could be a way to promote your products with a gratitude theme.
I hope you find these ideas helpful! While we typically think of this time of year as the peak season for gratitude a keyword search says that gratitude and gratitude printables are searched for all year long. So this is an evergreen product.