Guidance for AI Generated Content Creation

Guidance for AI Generated Content Creation

The world of AI generated content has changed the way we think about the content creation process, product descriptions  and content marketing.  It isn’t cheating to use artificial intelligence to assist us with writing and creating images. It is a great starting point. Think of ai content generation tools as a virtual assistant. 

I use ChatGPT to write emails, create social media posts, help with search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing materials.  Whether you’re crafting your next email campaign, dreaming up social media posts, blog posts, or developing content for your digital products, AI generated content is like your creative sidekick, ready to jump in.

Think of ChatGPT as your friendly, virtual writing partner, always ready to brainstorm, draft, and refine content for you. It’s like having a creative genie in your laptop! And the good news?  Unlike a human virtual assistant, Chat is always ready to work, as long as it takes and doesn’t ask for time off or ghost you. 

Learn How to Speak to ChatGPT

Chat understands your language, so there is not problem there. It is called natural language generation. But, the trick is in how you ask. Be clear, specific, and don’t shy away from detailing what you need. For example, instead of saying, “Write something,” try, “Can you help me draft a 300-word blog post about time management for entrepreneurs?” 

​It is a different story with longer writing. Chat goes astray when you give long, involved directions. It will forget what you want, get confused and the response will not be as clear. You need to break down longer responses into bite-size chunks. 

Want to write a longer blog post or and ebook? As for an outline first, Then ask for each section individually. There is a word limit on how much content you generate at a time, but asking for each section at a time will allow you to generate a full article. 

Crafting Effective Prompts

The magic lies in the prompts you use. Think of them as starting points for ChatGPT. To get the best results, be as descriptive as possible. Need a catchy headline? Ask for it! Looking for ideas on email marketing strategies? Let ChatGPT know. The clearer your request, the better the output.

For instance, if you’re looking for content for a social media post, don’t just say, “I need a social media post.” Instead, try, “Can you create a catchy, 100-word post about the benefits of time management for entrepreneurs, suitable for LinkedIn?

Provide Context, Tone and Style

ChatGPT works best when it understands the context. If you’re creating content for a specific audience, mention that. For example, “Write a brief, engaging email on the latest email marketing trends for my audience, which is mostly women over 40 starting their own businesses.”

Your brand’s tone of voice is crucial, so instruct ChatGPT accordingly. If your brand tone is friendly and conversational, your prompt could be, “Generate a light-hearted and conversational blog introduction about starting a side business after retirement.”

Use the settings in Chat to make your audience and business product clear so content is clear and consistent. Also you can upload some examples of your writing and have Chat determine your tone and style. You can copy that into the settings as well. 

Ask for Examples or Variations

Don’t hesitate to ask for multiple examples or variations. Say, “Can you provide three different opening sentences for a blog post about digital product creation?” This gives you options and ideas to work with.

Ask for ideas for providing content to your audience. Ask for their problems and possible solutions. What are some unique perspectives or lesser-known tips for balancing a side business with a full-time job?

Or,  “How can storytelling be used to make social media posts about digital product creation more engaging and relatable to my audience?” Here, the question aims to delve into the art of storytelling in the context of social media.  Be careful of asking Chat to write the story though. He starts each one with “Once upon a time…”.

It’s a great way to get ChatGPT to come up with creative approaches to storytelling that are specifically tailored to digital product creation. The responses can provide a range of ideas on how to structure posts, types of stories to tell, and ways to connect with the audience on a deeper level.

Sometimes using an open ended question will give you additional ideas. 

Clarify the Format or Structure

If you need content in a specific format, include that in your prompt. For instance, “Create a list of five key tips for effective email marketing, complete with brief explanations for each tip.” Or you can write a paragraph. Here are some formats you might ask for:

  1. Listicles
    • Format: A series of items or tips presented in a list format.
    • Use: Great for breaking down information into digestible chunks. Ideal for blog posts or social media content.
  2. How-To Guides
    • Format: Step-by-step instructions to achieve a specific task.
    • Use: Useful for educational content, eBooks, or detailed blog posts.
  3. Q&A Format
    • Format: A series of questions followed by answers.
    • Use: Effective for FAQs, interviews, or engaging social media posts.
  4. Case Studies
    • Format: A detailed analysis of a particular case or example.
    • Use: Ideal for demonstrating the value of a product or service, often used in marketing materials.
  5. Storytelling/Narrative
    • Format: Content that tells a story with a beginning, middle, and end.
    • Use: Excellent for engaging blog posts, email marketing, and social media content.
  6. Checklists
    • Format: A list of items or tasks to check off.
    • Use: Great for planners, organizational content, or instructional posts.
  7. Interviews
    • Format: A conversation between two or more people, typically in a question-and-answer format.
    • Use: Suitable for blogs, podcasts, or video content.
  8. Comparative Analysis
    • Format: A side-by-side comparison of two or more items.
    • Use: Useful for product reviews, blog posts, or educational content.
  9. Infographics
    • Format: Visual content that represents information or data.
    • Use: Effective for social media, blog posts, or educational materials.
  10. Testimonials/Reviews
    • Format: First-person accounts of a product or service experience.
    • Use: Great for building trust, often used in marketing materials and on product pages.
  11. Email Formats
    • Format: Various structures such as newsletters, promotional emails, or personal outreach.
    • Use: Essential for email marketing campaigns.
  12. Webinar Scripts
    • Format: A script designed for speaking, including introductions, main content, and Q&A sections.
    • Use: Useful for webinars, online workshops, or video content.

Boosting Social Media Engagement

Use AI generated content to give you a competitive edge on creating new content for social media platforms. It doesn’t matter which social media platforms you use, there is a way to use AI generated content for the job. 

1. Crafting Captivating Posts

 ChatGPT can help you write posts that not only grab attention but also resonate with your audience. Be it a thoughtful quote, a fun fact, or a question that sparks conversation, the key is to be engaging and authentic. Try prompting ChatGPT with something like, “Write a relatable post about the joys and challenges of starting a business later in life.”

2. Regular Content Creation

Consistency is king in social media. But coming up with fresh ideas daily can be daunting. That’s where ChatGPT comes in. You can use it to generate a variety of content ideas or even create a content calendar. Ask, “What are some weekly themes I can use for my social media posts about digital entrepreneurship?” And if you opt to pay for AIPRM, you can use it to create a monthly content calendar

3. Personalized Responses

Engagement isn’t just about posting; it’s about interacting. Use ChatGPT to help craft personalized responses to comments or messages. This can help in maintaining an active, engaged community. Prompt ChatGPT with scenarios, like, “Draft a friendly response to a comment asking for advice on time management.”

4. Trending Topics and Hashtags

Staying on top of trends can give your posts an extra boost. ChatGPT can assist in identifying trending topics or suggesting relevant hashtags. This keeps your content current and more likely to be seen. Try, “What are trending hashtags related to women entrepreneurs this week?”

5. Diverse Content Types

Mix things up! Social media loves variety. From short stories about your business journey to tips and tricks, and even behind-the-scenes peeks – diversity keeps your audience engaged. Use ChatGPT to brainstorm different types of content that align with your brand’s voice and values.

Enhancing Email Marketing

1. Personalized Email Content

Personalization is the heartbeat of effective email marketing. ChatGPT can help you craft emails that speak directly to your audience’s needs and interests.

Whether it’s a warm welcome email, a birthday discount, or a check-in message, personal touches make a difference. Try asking, “Create a personalized welcome email for new subscribers interested in time management tools.”

2. Crafting Engaging Newsletters

Keeping your audience informed and engaged is crucial. With ChatGPT, you can generate ideas for newsletters that are both informative and enjoyable to read. Prompt it with something like, “Suggest topics for a monthly newsletter for small business owners over 40.

3. Promotional Emails That Pop

When it’s time to promote a new product or service, you want your email to stand out. AI generated content can assist in creating promotional emails that are enticing without being pushy. A good prompt could be, “Write a promotional email for an upcoming webinar on digital marketing for beginners.”

4. Follow-Up Emails That Connect

Follow-up emails are essential in keeping the conversation going. ChatGPT can help draft follow-up messages that encourage a response or action, enhancing customer relations. For example, “Draft a follow-up email for clients who attended a recent online workshop, offering them a special discount on future courses.”

5. Automating Responses

Not every email requires a manual response. ChatGPT can help create automated responses that are helpful and human-like, perfect for FAQs or out-of-office replies. Ask, “Generate an out-of-office reply that informs clients about my return and directs them to useful resources in the meantime.” 

Or create an automated sequence for challenges or educational content. You can send relevant information to your subscribers using AI generated content and your autoresponder. 

7. Testing and Optimizing

Finally, use ChatGPT to brainstorm A/B testing ideas for your emails. Testing different subject lines, formats, or calls to action can significantly improve your open and click-through rates. Prompt it with, “Suggest different subject lines for testing the effectiveness of email campaigns about productivity tips.” I have never done the A/B testing on subject lines, but this is something that sounds interesting to try.  

Marketing Material Creation

Your marketing materials are often the first interaction potential customers have with your brand. With AI generated content, you can ensure these interactions are memorable and effective. 

1. Crafting Captivating Ad Copy

The right words can make all the difference in advertising. AI generated content can help you craft ad copy that’s not only eye-catching but also resonates with your target audience. Whether it’s for online ads, or sales pages, the AI can generate copy that engages and converts. Try prompting it with, “Create an ad copy for a self-help planner designed for women entrepreneurs over 40.

2. Engaging Product Descriptions

Your product descriptions are more than just factual statements; they’re an integral part of your sales strategy. AI generated content can assist in writing descriptions that highlight the unique features and benefits of your products in an engaging and persuasive manner. For example, “Write a product description for a digital course on social media marketing for beginners.

3. Email Campaigns That Drive Action

In email marketing, the content must be compelling enough to drive action. AI generated content can help you create email content that encourages opens, reads, and clicks. Whether it’s for a promotional campaign or a regular newsletter, AI generated content can tailor content to fit your needs. For instance, “Draft an email for a holiday sale targeting small business owners looking for affordable marketing tools.”

4. Social Media Content That Stands Out

Social media is a crowded space, and standing out is key. AI generated content can generate ideas or even complete social posts for social media updates that are tailored to your brand’s voice and your audience’s interests. A useful prompt might be, “Suggest engaging social media post ideas for a graphic design service aimed at new entrepreneurs.

​I use Chat to write Pinterest Pin descriptions including hashtags with keywords. Doing the research to find the hashtags and write an effective description would have taken me an hour. But with the help of ai it took about 2 minutes. Definitely the kind of thing that saves time and gives great creative ideas. 

6. SEO-Optimized Blog Content

Your blog is a powerful tool for attracting and educating potential customers. ChatGPT can help in generating SEO-optimized blog content that not only informs but also improves your search engine rankings, driving more traffic to your site. Consider prompting, “Generate blog topics that would appeal to aspiring entrepreneurs interested in digital marketing strategies.”

Practical Tips and Best Practices

AI generated content can do a variety of things to help us be more productive from doing keyword research to providing helpful content when we have writer’s block. However, AI generated content tools always need  human interaction. We need to check any facts and review what is being offered from any ai generator and put it in our own words and voice. 

1. Balance AI and Human Touch

While AI can generate a wealth of content, the human touch is irreplaceable. You may want to rewrite the content in your own way, because we all have a unique way of writing and talking.  Adding personal anecdotes or insights can make the content more relatable and authentic.

Add examples as well. This is what makes an audience want to hear from content creators, to hear what they have to say. Not ai writers. 

2. Be Ethical in Your Use of AI

Honesty is the best policy. Be transparent with your audience when using AI-generated content. This builds trust and credibility, which are invaluable in business relationships.

I was on a webinar with a well known speak and she said she always knew when AI was being used in content. It has certain phrases that it uses. For example, have you read “In this fast-paced digital world” in any pieces lately? It starts almost very content piece with that phrase. Or how about “let’s dive into…” Chat likes diving.

3. Stay Updated on AI Developments

The field of AI is rapidly evolving. Stay informed about the latest advancements and updates to ChatGPT. This knowledge will help you use the tool more effectively and leverage new features as they become available. I just heard that version ChatGPT 5.0 is coming and supposedly has superior language abilities. The communication is not only better, it offers video processing as well. So stay tuned. 

4. Use AI for Brainstorming and Ideation

AI can be a fantastic brainstorming partner. Use ChatGPT to generate ideas, topics, or even rough outlines for your content. This can be a great starting point for further development.

This is the most useful benefit of using ai writing tools. To ask those questions and gain so many ideas is a real blessing. You can have an endless supply of ideas with the right questions. 

One way to get more ideas is to list a few products that you have created or you have seen advertised. Ask chat to give you 10 more ideas that are similar. Note: we are not copying anyone else, we are using titles to generate other types of ideas that we can build on. 

Ask for quotes on different subjects, ask for prompts you can use to create a journal. Ask Chat for affirmations people can use to get healthy or ask for recipes. I asked for some recipes for a pot luck in December and it gave me a couple of really tasty recipes that I made. 

Remember, the goal here isn’t to replace your unique voice and personal touch; it’s to enhance your capabilities and free up more  time to focus on what truly matters in your business with AI generated content. ChatGPT is a tool, and like any tool, its effectiveness depends on how we use it.

Try It Out: If you are not already using it, why not?  Check it out and try it for a month to help you on all your tasks. Ask for social media posts, trends in content creation and ideas for products for the coming holidays. Or ask for help on repurposing some PLR you may have laying around. Check out this video on repurposing with the help of ChatGPT.

Share Your Experience: And when you do, I’d love to hear about it. Share your experiences, successes, and even the challenges. Your stories could be the guiding light for someone else on a similar path. Drop a comment or email me at and tell me how you are doing. 

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