Many bestselling printable products are seasonal but the good news is that once created, you can quickly redesign your templates in a variety of styles and themes. And many of these products can be created in a seasonal version as well as an evergreen version.

Here are some of ETSY’s best selling printable products.
Journal Pages
Yes, you can create an entire journal or just pages to add to a customers already purchase journal. These can be one page additions or group of pages, in different themes. Added to that are divider pages (think monthly dividers, or topics such as “daily” “trackers” “notes”).
Chore Charts
Every parent knows the popular printable product is a chore chart for their kids. The way to get kids to do chores is to give an incentive. And the basis of the incentive is to have them check off their chores as completed.
Chore charts are useful in school as well to keep young kids on track. Check out the variety of templates available on Canva:

Meal and Diet Planners
Each new year, people are starting diets and usually by February, they are rethinking the whole dieting experience. But since everyone has to eat, creating a printable product such as a diet planner or meal meal planner can be helpful.
And since there are so many diet options, creating additional planners for each of these options will keep you busy for a while.
Yes, January and July are the most popular months for selling Calendars, but this printable product also sell in other months. You can sell monthly calendars as one page printables, too.
The down side is if they are dated, you will have to update each year. The up side is if they are dated, people will have to buy them again.
To-Do List Templates
We all want to be more productive and the way to achieve maximum productivity is to create a To Do list with all our jobs. And this is a great one page printable to sell on ETSY or other platform. One page printable products may sell for a small amount, but they are popular for customers looking for a quick solution.

And if you think outside the box, the to do list can become a bucket list, a task list, Daily Task List, Monthly Task List, Quarterly Goals List, etc.

Coloring Pages
Another seasonal or evergreen printable product is coloring pages. This is a product that can be created for ages 1-100. You can create your own or tweak purchased coloring pages to sell. Can be created as a seasonal product or as evergreen.

See this blog post on creating coloring pages: Creating and Selling Coloring Pages
Recipe Pages, Cards and Books
Many people love to cook and often tweak a recipe to make it their own. And to record those creations they need somewhere to write them down, which means recipe books, cards, pages, journals, etc.
Word Games and Number Puzzles
We have all seen the posts on Social Media about who solved Wordle but there are other word games and puzzles around. And don’t’ forget the math puzzles and games. Crosswords and wordsearches are always popular and both seasonal and evergreen.

Different math puzzles like Cross Sums and Sudoku are popular with adults. And the nice thing is that addicted puzzle solvers don’t do the same puzzle over after they solved it, they need new puzzles.
Stickers add a dash of color to our otherwise dull lives. Stickers can be created for different themes, for digial notebooks or digital scrapbooks. They can be used for school themes, seasonal themes or different quotes. Or they can be simple reminder stickers to place on calendars. Works as images or can be printed.

Wall Art
We all love to decorate our homes. Long gone is the retro art prints from the masters. The modern approach to art is word art, bright colors, abstract prints and patterns with quotes. Anyone with some simple design tools can create wall art for the different seasons and evergreen options as well.

For more information on Wall Art check our this blog: Creating Wall Art. Have you checked out my YouTube videos on Creating Wall Art? Summer and Christmas.
Homeschool Worksheets
Homeschool is not new, but after Covid more students are being taught at home or in independent study. So now parents need quality homeschool worksheets and activities to help teach their kids.

Ok, who of us hasn’t used a flash card? Even in college I was making my own flash cards to help remember certain things (like science terms, which I still need help with).

Flash cards offer reinforcement in all content areas like Math, English, Science and History (dates of battles or geography anyone).
They can easily be created in PowerPoint. I prefer the vertical size which would be 2 x 2. Use your rulers and guide lines, add a little border and remember to leave some room so they can be cut out without cutting into your border.
Sight Words
Cards that feature Sight Words are aids for teachers or home schooling parents to teach kids about words. They provide visual aids to help students associate words on sight to help kids become more fluent readers without having to sound out words.

Many sight words are not spelled the way they sound so present a challenger to early readers. If you need help deciding which words to include check out the DOLCH SIGHT WORDS LIST. You can also check out the FRY SIGHT WORDS, although I am told that DOLCH is used more widely.
Bible Scriptures
There is a niche for Bible materials of all types. Quick cards to help memorize certain verses are popular. Or create cards with verses for different problems such as anxiety, depression, being grateful, etc. Perfect for Easter and Christmas as a seasonal product but great all year round.

I hope this has given you some new ideas of what to create. I would love to hear about your creations, just drop me an email at